These specific colors were only selected to show the differences between the tones.
To see the full range of colors, see the Bohyme Color Guide

D = Blended colors. Where one layer of color is laid on top of another.
Mixed color combinations blended together.
T = Two-toned, or Ombré colors.
R = Rooted. The roots are treated to a single color that meld into natural highlights.
H/P = “Highlights” or “piano” striped colors.
A / B / BL = Ash / Platinum.

Dark Colors

1, 1B, 2, 3, 4

Red Colors

30E, 31, 32, 33, 35

Brown Colors

30, 5, 6, 8, 8A

Light Brown / Ashy Colors

10, 8, BL9, 7, GREY

Medium to Light Brown Colors

18, 12, 14, 10, 14A

Medium Blonde Colors

BL16, 16, 14B, 27, 16

Ashy Colors

BL27, 18, 8, BL18

Light Blonde Colors

BL22, BL613, BL60, 613, 24

Blonde Blend Colors (Machine Weft Only)

DBL14/24, D16/22, DBL14/BL22, D27/BL613, D22/27

Blonde/Brown Blend Colors (Machine Weft)

D10/18, D27/30, D6/BL22, D10/16, D6/27

Blonde/Brown Blend (Hand-Tied)

H18/BL22, H14/24, H10/16, H27/30

Blonde Blend Colors (Machine Weft Only)

DBL18/BL22, D18/BL22, D14/24, D14/BL22, D27/30

Blonde Blend Colors (Hand-Tied)

H24/BL613, H27/BL613, H22/27, H16/22

Machine Weft vs Hand-Tied

Blonde Blend Colors - D18/BL22, H18/BL22

Dark Brown Blend Colors

D4/BL22, D4/27, M4/30, H4/30, D4/30, D1B/30

Ombre Colors

T6/BL22, T8A/BL22, T2/30, T2/BL22, T1B/30

Rooted Colors

R8A/8A/BL22, R4/18/BL22

Highlighted vs Mixed Blends

D1B/33, M2/33

Red Ombre Colors

T1B/330, T1B/RED